Motion sensor
The motion sensor extension board is based on the LIS3DHTR by STMicroelectronics. The sensor uses I2C to communicate with the Picoclick (SDA = GPIO2, SCL = GPIO8). It has an ultra low power voltage regulator on board and can be used to activate the Picoclick by firing an interrupt. The interrupt can be configured via software.
Technical drawing
PCB: 18mm x 10mm
Thickness: 1mm
Mounting holes: 3.2mm
Corner radius: 2mm
Hardwaretest can be found on GitHub.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <SparkFunLIS3DH.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "config.h"
LIS3DH lis(I2C_MODE, 0x19); //Default constructor is I2C, addr 0x19.
void configIntterupts();
void setup(){
pinMode(ADC_PIN, INPUT);
digitalWrite(ADC_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);
FastLED.addLeds<APA102, APA102_SDI_PIN, APA102_CLK_PIN, BGR>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN);
lis.settings.accelSampleRate = 50; //Hz. Can be: 0,1,10,25,50,100,200,400,1600,5000 Hz
lis.settings.accelRange = 2; //Max G force readable. Can be: 2, 4, 8, 16
lis.settings.adcEnabled = 0;
lis.settings.tempEnabled = 0;
lis.settings.xAccelEnabled = 1;
lis.settings.yAccelEnabled = 1;
lis.settings.zAccelEnabled = 1;
// int dataToWrite = B01001111;
// lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG1, dataToWrite);
// configIntterupts();
unsigned long t_sensor = millis();
void loop() {
if(digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == 1){
if(millis() >= t_sensor + 500){
t_sensor = millis();
float x = lis.readFloatAccelX();
float y = lis.readFloatAccelY();
float z = lis.readFloatAccelZ();
printf("X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f\r\n", x, y, z);
void configIntterupts(){
uint8_t dataToWrite = 0;
// //dataToWrite |= 0x80;//AOI, 0 = OR 1 = AND
// //dataToWrite |= 0x40;//6D, 0 = interrupt source, 1 = 6 direction source
// //Set these to enable individual axes of generation source (or direction)
// // -- high and low are used generically
// //dataToWrite |= 0x20;//Z high
// //dataToWrite |= 0x10;//Z low
// dataToWrite |= 0x08;//Y high
// //dataToWrite |= 0x04;//Y low
// //dataToWrite |= 0x02;//X high
// //dataToWrite |= 0x01;//X low
// lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_INT1_CFG, dataToWrite);
// dataToWrite = 0;
// //Provide 7 bit value, 0x7F always equals max range by accelRange setting
// dataToWrite |= 0x10; // 1/8 range
// lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_INT1_THS, dataToWrite);
// dataToWrite = 0;
// //minimum duration of the interrupt
// //LSB equals 1/(sample rate)
// dataToWrite |= 0x01; // 1 * 1/50 s = 20ms
// lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_INT1_DURATION, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0;
//Set these to enable individual axes of generation source (or direction)
// -- set = 1 to enable
//dataToWrite |= 0x20;//Z double-click
dataToWrite |= 0x10;//Z click
//dataToWrite |= 0x08;//Y double-click
dataToWrite |= 0x04;//Y click
//dataToWrite |= 0x02;//X double-click
dataToWrite |= 0x01;//X click
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CLICK_CFG, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0;
//Set these to enable click behaviors (also read to check status)
// -- set = 1 to enable
//dataToWrite |= 0x20;//Enable double clicks
dataToWrite |= 0x04;//Enable single clicks
//dataToWrite |= 0x08;//sine (0 is positive, 1 is negative)
dataToWrite |= 0x04;//Z click detect enabled
dataToWrite |= 0x02;//Y click detect enabled
dataToWrite |= 0x01;//X click detect enabled
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CLICK_SRC, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0;
//This sets the threshold where the click detection process is activated.
//Provide 7 bit value, 0x7F always equals max range by accelRange setting
dataToWrite |= 0x0A; // ~1/16 range
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CLICK_THS, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0;
//Time acceleration has to fall below threshold for a valid click.
//LSB equals 1/(sample rate)
dataToWrite |= 0x08; // 0x08: 8 * 1/50 s = 160ms
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_TIME_LIMIT, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0;
//hold-off time before allowing detection after click event
//LSB equals 1/(sample rate)
dataToWrite |= 0x0F; // 4 * 1/50 s = 160ms,
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_TIME_LATENCY, dataToWrite);
dataToWrite = 0;
//hold-off time before allowing detection after click event
//LSB equals 1/(sample rate)
dataToWrite |= 0x8F; // 16 * 1/50 s = 320ms
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_TIME_WINDOW, dataToWrite);
//Int1 latch interrupt and 4D on int1 (preserve fifo en)
lis.readRegister(&dataToWrite, LIS3DH_CTRL_REG5);
dataToWrite &= 0xF3; //Clear bits of interest
dataToWrite |= 0x08; //Latch interrupt (Cleared by reading int1_src)
//dataToWrite |= 0x04; //Pipe 4D detection from 6D recognition to int1?
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG5, dataToWrite);
//Choose source for pin 1
dataToWrite = 0;
dataToWrite |= 0x80; //Click detect on pin 1
// dataToWrite |= 0x40; //AOI1 event (Generator 1 interrupt on pin 1)
// dataToWrite |= 0x20; //AOI2 event ()
//dataToWrite |= 0x10; //Data ready
//dataToWrite |= 0x04; //FIFO watermark
//dataToWrite |= 0x02; //FIFO overrun
lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG3, dataToWrite);
// //Choose source for pin 2 and both pin output inversion state
// dataToWrite = 0;
// // dataToWrite |= 0x80; //Click int on pin 2
// // dataToWrite |= 0x40; //Generator 1 interrupt on pin 2
// //dataToWrite |= 0x10; //boot status on pin 2
// //dataToWrite |= 0x02; //invert both outputs
// lis.writeRegister(LIS3DH_CTRL_REG6, dataToWrite);
Last updated